
Python features form other Programming Languages

Python features form other Programming Languages: Functional programming from C Object-Oriented Programming Languages from c++ Scripting Languages from Perl and Shell Scripting Modular Programming from module-3 Most of the syntax in python Derived from C and ABC language.

Where we can use Python?

Where we can use Python? Desktop Application Web Application Database Application Networking Application Ai/ML/Data Science Game development Scripting Automation

Companies using python

  Companies using python: Google and Youtube using Python Coding NASA and Networking Stock Exchange Application developed by Python Microsoft, Intel, IBM, Yahoo

Limitation of python

Limitations of Python: Performance-wise not up to the mark (Because of Python is interpreted languages) Not usable for  Mobile Application Development

Versions of Python

Versions of Python: Python 1.0 v ==>> 1994 Python 2.0 v ==>> 2000 Python 3.0 v ==>> December 2008 Note-  Python 3 won't provide backward compatibility to Python 2 Current version of Python 3 ==>> Date: 22-08-2020 3.8.5 Current version of Python 2 ==>> Date: 22-08-2020 2.7

Flavors of Python

Flavors of Python CPython Jython IronPython ==>> c# or .net pypy ==>> JIT compiler(to increase the performance) ruby python anaconda python==>> datascience